Hi Everyone!!

Happy New Year!! (a month late, but hope it is happy!! We are starting off our New Year with exciting news!! Our good friend Lisa Cowell has designed a sampler just for us, in memory of my Grandma Cecilia. It was Ann's idea, she worked with Lisa and Jessie to get info about Grandma Cecilia so Lisa could design the chart just for us! They kept it a secret for just about a year, Lisa did a fantastic design and I finally got to see it this week. The verse says "Blessed are those that can give without remembering, and recieve without forgetting."
Jessie is about 7 months pregnant, having a girl, Katelyn Cecilia..........the doc moved her due date to March 27th. We are anxiously awaiting little Katie's arrival!!
Friday, Holly and I will be heading to Nashville for the wholesale show. We plan to post the new stitching treasures that we find there on the blog - so keep checking in for the latest updates from Nashville.
I've got to get going. Hope you are all having a good start for the new year, we hope 2009 will be a happy and healthy year for you all.
Be back soon!!
Take Care,
Margaret, Jessie, Amy, Pam, Holly, Ann, Melinda and Shevera