June 27th - What's happening at Cecilia's Samplers
It's been over a year since we posted on the blog...........we were so surprised that it had been that long!! We will try to do better about posting!!
We are all still here working in the shop - Margaret, Jessica, Amy, Pam, Cecilia, Joanna. Krista, Cindy, Miranda and stitching our models in Florida - Ann!!
Because we have so many items in the shop, we just can't get them all on the website.........so here's a few newer items...........I just got in a Blackbird Designs stitching mood and did these 3 small projects. One is a tart pincushion, the second is a pincushion using a Lone Elm Lane pincushion base (her colors are beautiful with Blackbird's colors), and the third is an Impie, Hattie and Bea thread keep. They were all quick stitches and a nice break from the larger samplers that I usually do.
Ann has been really busy stitching..........she is 82 years young and does ALOT of our models - especially the tabletoppers - She loves the patriotic charts and this is one of her latest finishes. It is very bright - looks better when stitched than in the chart photo.
We have a new line of products in the shop - have any of you ever heard of Nifty Thrifty Dry Goods? Susan has moved to Arkansas and has left a good assortment of her products here in the shop with us - kind of like a mini Nifty Thrifty Dry Goods shop in Cecilia's. She has so many beautiful laces, buttons,ribbons,and accessory packs. They are all great additions to your stitching and help with finishing - it adds that extra special look to your stitching.
Oh, before I forget.......anyone doing the Blackbird Designs Abecadrian Series.........we were stuck on number 11 for several months, but FINALLY have the number 12 chart in stock, and that completes the series.
Our biggest news so far this year is out "Stitching in the Heartland" event coming up in September!!
It is the first time we are doing an event of this size and type. There is a retreat, ice cream social, classes, classes, classes and a SABLE (stash acquisition beyond life expectancy) mall for shopping.
You can sign up for any or all of the events. Pat Carson, from Designs by Gloria and Pat, Inc. will be our guest of honor for the whole event. She is a wonderful person and she has a vast knowledge of needlework - she is always eager to share her knowledge and expertise with us. If you want to learn about needlework she is the person to visit with!! We will also have 9 different teachers, teaching a variety of classes and techniques. The dates are Sept 16-20, 2015. Check out Cecilia's website for more information.
It has been a fun year so far, next month Susan Greening Davis will be here for our Simply Stitching retreat - last call on that retreat!! We have a new venue, Lodge of the Ozarks, we have had 2 retreats there so far and our ladies LOVE it!!! It is a great location, has a restaurant, room service and a bar!!
The hotel staff is wonderful ! The stitching room is HUGE! We are very happy with our new location!
Got to go, hope you are having a good Summer and have a Great 4th of July weekend. We thank all of our military service men and women and their families for their service to our country !
Margaret, Jessica, Amy, Pam, Cecilia, Joanna, Krista, Cindy ,Miranda and Ann